Before we start the new 2020 with full power, we would like to take the time to look back on the past year. After all, 2019 has seen some changes at pressrelations – not only has the corporate brand changed, but we have also developed our services and tools in a variety of ways. All in all, it was a successful year, which of course makes us look forward to what 2020 holds for the company.
In 18 years, a lot has changed for us: from a 3-man press distribution list that delivers data quickly, we have transformed into an international media intelligence company with 180 employees. So, it’s high time to adapt our brand identity to our self-image and core values. How “Knowing more faster” became ➞ “Knowledge Discovery”. The claim stands for what we do: We guide our clients through an increasingly complex digital world. In doing so, we have solutions in our luggage that enable us to discover new things and gain relevant insights from a huge amount of data. The newly designed website is also intended to meet these demands.
➥ Read more about it under #marketing in our blog

In 2019 we continued to work diligently on our cross-media monitoring and analysis portal, which was expanded to include SearchPool. This enables our customers to create their own search queries for content and topic research, to search and save news retrospectively – if required, they can also create their own alerts so that no news is missed.
In addition, we now also present out clients with the opportunity to implement data from Google Analytics and Facebook Analytics onto their dashboard. Thus, our analysis and monitoring portal links the most important data from earned and owned media with web analytics and enables PR professionals, content managers and channel owners to take a holistic view of their operational work and topic planning.

This year we were particularly pleased to be awarded the DPOK (German Prize for Online Communication) for our research method FirstSignals®. Together with our partner, the Handelsblatt Media Group, we were able to convince the jury of our proactive trend analysis and took the coveted award in the category “Data Driven Communications (incl. AI)” with us to Düsseldorf.
Furthermore, we were able to continue our cooperation with prmagazin, which enabled us to conduct and publish exciting analyses from a wide range of industries and on various aspects every month.
The biggest company news this year was certainly our cooperation with Linkfluence and the related acquisition of the media newsletter and analysis division of Linkfluence Germany. Parallel to the new customers, we also got new colleagues in Düsseldorf and at our new location in Leipzig. Furthermore, the cooperation with the international social intelligence provider allows us to further expand our social media expertise and source set.
We will of course continue to work on NewsRadar® in order to adapt the portal optimally to your desires. Next to additional media channels, the analysis function and the options for independent design of the dashboard are to be expanded. These are the best prerequisites for meeting individual NewsRoom requirements. This is a topic that will keep us busy in the coming year, as demand continues to grow.
If any awards and accolades await us in the future is yet to be seen – but in any case, we’ll continue to attend numerous congresses and events to keep ourselves informed about industry trends and get to meet you in person.