Broader Outlook:
Optimize Your Topic Planning


Our ContentCentricity research method will assist you in your cross-media topic planning and management as well as content optimization. An interdisciplinary analysis presents a topic of your choice from four leading perspectives in Owned and Earned Media, and delivers valuable insights for your communication strategy.

How much presence and acceptance do your core topics generate in the media (editorial content)? How do your topics evolve in the media? How strongly is your company/brand associated with these topics? How does your company/brand position itself in the media within the context of your industry? And who are the leading players?

How much attention and relevance do these topics find with the active public (user-generated content)? What kind of comments do they promote? How does the tonality change? Which stakeholders currently report on and discuss your topics, and which influencers multiply them?

How do fans and followers react to the content on your corporate channels (Owned Media)? Which content generates the most and the least interest in a direct comparison of all your profiles and pages. And which best and worst practice examples can be inferred from the competitor benchmarking?

Which topics are relevant and searched for the most from the user perspective? To which degree have all relevant and interconnected issues, keywords and open questions been covered by the users with respect to your core topics?

Interdisciplinary approach

The ContentCentricity approach allows for an evaluation of your core topics through application of interdisciplinary analysis methods such as media resonance analysis, social media monitoring and analytics as well as content and search analysis. The topic of your choice is then examined and evaluated from four different angles—with the focus on media, opinion, company or user—in Owned and Earned Media. 

Simple scorecards for your topics offer a detailed overview of the media landscape and give you insights into user expectations, topic reception, trends and issues, tonality, relevance of opinions on the web and traffic potential within the search engines, among others. This allows you to map out and manage your topic planning even better.

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